March updates: new matching algorithm, Polyglot Gathering & more
Happy International Women's day
January updates: classroom, streaks, comments & more
September: new version updates, plans for language classroom plan
Polygloss Welsh: call to share
April Updates: Review mini-games and next plans
January Updates: bug fixes and mini-games preview
Learning Toki Pona, the language of good
November Updates: sentence examples, new points screen & more
Transforming user-generated content into writing hints in Polygloss
There's no such thing as Neutral Spanish
September Updates: LingoPie partnership and next plans
Learning Spanish: How I did it and how you can, too
August updates: Lifetime subscription, Listening mode and more!
June updates: message history, tasks for new players and contest results!
April Updates: iOS launch and more
February Newsletter: Player 2 Player awards & testimonial contest
Learning languages the autonomous way: Introducing Polygloss
April news: What's happening with Polygloss and the language world this month
How to learn languages through reading
Polygloss News: daily challenge improvements, new co-founder and more!
Don't force yourself to learn a language during lockdown
Building Together #1: Quick-play and review
What's new in December: New features, the Polygloss team is growing, and more!
What's new in November: Word suggestions in English and more!
Polygloss News: iOS beta test, public roadmap of new features and more!
Will I ever learn a dialect of a major language? (Duocon, part 4)
Why I learn languages (Duocon, part 3)
Learning languages efficiently and for free! (Duocon, part 2)
I went to Duolingo's Conference!