Same news but in Portuguese: Teste do beta pro iPhone, funcionalidades futuras, e muito mais!
iOS beta test
The iOS app for Polygloss is coming up soon. Share the registration for the early beta test with your friends!
Etiene (our lead dev) and Polygloss have been accepted to QIncubator, a 7 week entrepreneurship program and competition ran by Queen Mary University of London.
Exclusive community for premium players
We created a Slack workspace to bounce ideas early about new Polygloss features, discuss languages, tech, starting up an ethical business and more. This community is open to some of our VIP players, who have been giving feedback, being helpful, advocating for us on social media, as well as paid subscribers. If you want to join this exclusive community and influence the future of Polygloss, reach out to us, reach out to your friends (tag us so we notice!), or subscribe to Polygloss Unlimited.
Currently, our paid options should be reasonably affordable in your location, giving you the option to pay what you want. Click on “Polygloss Unlimited” on the side menu to find out more benefits of our subscription.

Public roadmap of next features
To better exchange ideas with our community, we have created a public roadmap, where you can follow and discuss progress on planned features, such as Vocabulary hints!

Got any questions?
We hope you enjoyed these news and we’d love to hear from you! Follow and chat with us on Twitter or Instagram and don’t forget to tag us when sharing Polygloss around!