Improve your communication skills
Guess images with friends
Start a match, pick an image, write about it, and guess the correct image of your opponents.
Practice at your own pace
Practice using words that are important to you, get AI-tailored tips for new words and expand your working vocabulary.
Help each other learn
Send each other corrections or encouragement, playing with natives and other learners.
Kickstart your usage of a foreign language
We can't learn how to ride a bike just by reading about it. We have to get on the bike, ride, fall, and try again. The same happens with our communication skills. We need to practice expressing ourselves to improve it. Polygloss helps you do that in a fun way and stress-free!
Ideal for intermediate level students (or very brave beginners).
How to play
- Start a match
- Pick an image and write about it
- Send to another player
- Receive their response and guess their image
- End match and collect points
Join more than 13,000 people who love Polygloss
See what they're saying:
I really enjoy the exercises
I stumbled onto Polygloss from YouTube and I've found that I really enjoy the simple but effective combination of daily writing exercises. I've a few regular partners who send helpful corrections and I feel useful when English learners need aid.
Ciarán, 17
Dublin, Ireland

Instantly blown away
Having downloaded polygloss I was instantly blown away by the freedom you have to put down ANY language, or even dialects, and have people match with you to practice.
It is clear the love that's put into this app and I wish the team the best.
Kelly, 37
Victoria, Australia

Extremely effective and fun
Output and corrections are so difficult to come by when you self study, but Polygloss makes it extremely effective and fun! It's especially nice that you don't have to match live with a partner, but can still submit sentences for correction later!
Tristan Young, 26
Utah, USA

Making quick progress
At my stage of learning, beginner apps are too easy, and conversations are too hard and time consuming.
This is where Polygloss comes in, which allows me to write short sentences and have them corrected by others, allowing me to make quick progress.
Thomas Gummerer, 31
Barcelona, Spain
