Polygloss Welsh: call to share

Etiene Dalcol, May 5, 2023

A few months ago, Welsh became the top 1 language of Polygloss. And since then, I’ve wanted to add a “learning Welsh” blog post to our website 🥰

I would love to gather the experience from Polygloss Welsh learners and write a community blog post. Would you like to tell us more about your Welsh learning journey so far?

Click here to contribute with some kind words

Texts per language, all time
Texts written at Polygloss, per language, all time

Would you like to contribute in some other way? Write an email to etiene@polygloss.app 💖

Etiene is a Software Engineer who is passionate about languages. She recently finished her MSc. in Computer Science researching Computational Linguistics and Computer Assisted Language Learning.